Experience the power of freedom, editable files, and a dedicated project manager. All included in your subscription



Per Month
  • Custom Domain
  • Website Hosting
  • CMS (WordPress)
  • Site optimized for mobile
  • SSL Certificate
  • Custom Website (5 Pages)
  • Monthly Updates (1 hour)
  • Managed Web Hosting
  • Daily site Backup


Per Month
  • Website traffic analytics
  • Custom Website (10 Pages)
  • Monthly Updates (2 Hours)
  • Basic SEO
  • Social Media Template
  • Third-party integrations
  • Copywriting
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Newsletter Function Integration


Per Month
  • Logo Suite
  • Web Design (Unlimited Pages)
  • Technical SEO
  • Business Cards Design
  • Letterhead
  • Social Media Management
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Live Chat
  • E – Commerce


Per Month
  • Brand Identity
  • Advanced Web Design
  • Email Marketing Management
  • Premium SEO
  • Social Media Management
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing Services
  • PPC Management Services
  • AI & GPT Integration

For single creative projects, we offer a one-time
service without a subscription.